Pietje - mei

great aunt Hannie's present book Sarah

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Johanna (see previous page) gave me this bathrobe with my name on the back. I use it nearly every day. Something I will use more often in the future, is this travel mobile, which is a present from my great aunt Hannie. We tested it on a trip to my triplet friends, who are my godparents children. The weather got gradually better, so even my mother ventured out with me to our terrace. It got really nice later on in May.

My time on my tummy got me an early interest in books, which I also consume on my bouncy chair. But what I enjoy most is when my mother smiles to me, as I will smile back.

My mother takes me to my weekly swimming lessons, as I was born with a reflex for swimming. Mum still finds the back crawl pretty scary! I still have some trouble with full submersion; this was so terrifying for aunty Pen, that she failed to take a picture of it.

Laure holding my rattle

Oma celebrated her 70th birthday with a boat trip and party in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Hence my parents took me on my first flight.

standsted express boarding pass first flight

In order not too fly to high, we took a propellor plane from London City airport. It worked: I slept through the flight. On our way to the party, we stopped over in Houten, where I met, among others, Madelief and Jorrit with their mums Florence and Hanne. In the holiday cottages in Putten I met my two eldest cousins Thirza and Laure, who were happy to pram me and my youngest cousin Elisabeth around. Look how proudly Laure hold me on her lap.

Back home, normal life continued. This involved watching the news with mum, getting dressed in an outfit I got from great aunt Aleid, and sitting on my father's knee, holding on to my rattle. Life nearly got exciting when we travelled to Standsted airport by train, but as my father managed to lose his ID-card between check-in and security, we were quickly back home. There, my mum gave me a cuddle.

Florence, Madelief, Hanne, Jorrit cuddle from mum at home

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on aunty Penny's lap